09 Mar, 2022

Subject Verb Agreement Practice Test

09 Mar, 2022

If you are looking to improve your writing skills, one key aspect to focus on is subject-verb agreement. Proper subject-verb agreement ensures that your writing is clear and easy to understand. However, mastering subject-verb agreement can be challenging for many writers. That`s why it is important to practice, and taking a subject-verb agreement practice test can be a great way to improve your skills.

What is subject-verb agreement?

Subject-verb agreement refers to the relationship between the subject and the verb in a sentence. The subject is the person, place, or thing that is doing the action in the sentence, while the verb is the action itself. In order for the sentence to make sense, the subject and verb must agree in terms of number and tense. For example, « The boy plays soccer » is correct because « boy » is singular and « plays » is in the present tense. However, « The boy play soccer » would be incorrect because the subject and verb do not agree in number.

Why is subject-verb agreement important?

Subject-verb agreement is important because it helps to make your writing clear and easy to understand. If the subject and verb do not agree, it can cause confusion for the reader, making it harder for them to comprehend your message. It can also make your writing appear unprofessional. For these reasons, it is essential to master subject-verb agreement in your writing.

How to practice subject-verb agreement

One of the best ways to improve your subject-verb agreement skills is to take a practice test. This will help you identify areas of weakness and give you a chance to practice your skills in a structured way. There are many free subject-verb agreement practice tests available online, ranging from beginner to advanced levels.

When taking a practice test, pay attention to the subject and verb in each sentence. Determine whether they agree in terms of number and tense. If they do not, make the necessary changes to correct the sentence. Take your time and try to understand why a particular subject-verb agreement is correct or incorrect.

In addition to taking practice tests, you can also improve your subject-verb agreement skills by reading and writing regularly. Pay attention to the subject and verb in the sentences you read and try to identify when they agree or disagree. When you write, take the time to review your work carefully and make sure that your subject and verb agree.


Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of writing clear and effective sentences. By practicing your skills and taking subject-verb agreement practice tests, you can improve your writing and communicate more effectively with your readers. Keep in mind that subject-verb agreement is just one aspect of good writing, but it is an important one that can make a big difference in the quality of your work.
